acupuncture boulder co

Acupuncture Boulder CO

Acupuncture boulder CO  Looking for the best Acupuncture Clinic in Boulder CO?  Give us a call today!

The Best Acupuncturist in the Denver Area


Call: (720) 897-1450 Now

acupuncture boulder co
acupuncture boulder co

Need pain relief right away?  Call Us Today! Acupuncture is a proven method of treatment to help treat many different systems of the body.  Our acupuncture clinic in Boulder Colorado has a top acupuncturist, Chris La Rosa. He has been practicing acupuncture for the past 15+ years.  He has treated many different problems patients have experienced.  Whether you are suffering from menopause and menstrual disorders,  or are looking for depression treatment, Chris can help you.  Lower back pain, reducing stress, and treating a lot of other ailments are all treatable with acupuncture.


Call: (720) 897-1450 Now

Call Today and get a $25 Off New Patient Discount!

Acupuncture Boulder CO

Are you looking for migraines treatment? Or are you experiencing anxiety, nausea, fatigue, dizzyness or vertigo?  We can help!


Acupuncture is aimed at increasing the flow of Qi throughout the body. By increasing this flow, pain and other elements of dis-ease can subside. Acupuncture is the application of fine needles into specific areas on the body along pathways known as meridians. It is gentle, painless, and comfortable, so much so that patients often fall asleep during a treatment. Needles can range from round metal objects that are used only to rub the surface of the skin to pointed filiform needles that are used to pierce into the deeper layers, these are classically known as the 9 needle types. The depth of a needle insertion in a normal application the range is 1mm-3mm and the gauge of the needles are no thicker than a hair on the scalp. Again, please do not be turned off by the term”needle”, this often conjures up experiences had from the use of hypodermic needles that are injecting or removing substances from the body. This is not at all what an acupuncture needle is like.